A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Created by

Dom Maggiore

The Studio

Stir Crazy Studios is a compilation of my work, imagination, and ideas. I have a passion for funny, zany stuff and love creating it. At some point in 2014, I started putting my ideas on paper and assembled a team of illustrators and editors to bring it to life. With 5 book series and 20 books completed, I launched Stir Crazy Studios to find strategic partners and opportunities.

The Plan

I approach every book as a series to build a foundation for my concept, secure intellectual property rights, and convey its depth and potential. If your looking for a content partner, a steady supply of new and innovative ideas, and new ways to connect with kids and families, Stir Crazy Studios is ready to work together. We are available to apply our content to a wide range of businesses and industries including amusement parks, chain food service, gaming, TV, film, publishing, toys, and co-branding.

The Advantage

One point of ownership for control and exclusivity
Streamlined deal structure with one source
Strong IP and protected trademarks
Established ability to create
More content on the wa

The Goal for Our Clients

Integrate content that connects with children and families
Create an emotional connection that lasts generations
Build a closer relationship with your customers
Increase revenue via product extensions
Increase frequency, loyalty, and sales